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State and County Law Libraries and Legal Information to the People


Some (most!) of my favorite sources of law library legal research services and self-help ideas come from other state and county law libraries and law librarian bloggers (these law librarian bloggers, too) of course.

Here are some of my favorite state and county law library websites:

My top-rated favorite, People’s Law Library, is from the great State of Maryland Law Library.

Others include the following:

1) Alaska State Law Library has had to figure out how to get legal information to people who are accessible only by plane or sled half of the year! But they sure love their Alaska libraries as much as we do in most of Oregon.

2) Massachusetts, with their A-Z guide

3) Minnesota, with their links to local ordinances and self-help directory.

4) Montana, too. (What’s with these states that begin with the letter M? They must know something we don’t know. But read on.)

5) Wisconsin State Law Library, with their best of all A-Z legal research topics guide (do you realize the amount of work that goes into creating such a guide? Wowsers!)

There are others, of course, but you can’t love them all and I’m still visiting new ones. On the county law library front, take a look at these:

1) California county law libraries are really well organized. (They may not think so, but compared to many other states, they are! If you have a question anywhere in California, you can contact your county law library.) But we don’t knock the Oregon Council of County Law Libraries, which have been meeting, talking, faxing, emailing, sharing, etc. for more than 35 years.

2) The OTHER Washington County Law Libraries (not including the Washington County, Oregon, County Law Library), in Minnesota and in Arkansas and in Maryland and in Pennsylvania and in New York, and not to be confused with Washington State’s County Law Libraries.

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