Articles Tagged with Disaster preparedness

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The recent wildfires in Oregon, and tragic fire in Maui, are salient reminders that such disasters can affect any of us. They also have legal implications after the fact. Here are some resources in Oregon for those affected by natural disasters, and for those who want to prepare for such possibilities.

Preparation for Disasters

Preparedness Resources, Oregon Disaster Legal Services

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For those still dealing with recovering from the Oregon wildfires, here are a couple legal resources.

Wildfire Resources – Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry

Oregon Disaster Legal Resources – Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO), Oregon Law Center (OLC), and the Center for Nonprofit Legal Services (CNPLS).

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Oregon Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (ORVOAD)

From the ORVOAD About Us page:

The Oregon Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (ORVOAD) is the state chapter of the National VOAD.

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Don’t let it be a disaster. Short and sweet, from iLibrarian:

What Happens if Your Library Systems Go Down?

For full-fledged disasters (floods, fire, earthquakes, hurricanes, shooters, bomb threats, bombs, building collapse, etc.) check with your managers, your organization, and your local librarian community for specific and recommended disaster planning checklists. (And if they don’t help, use The Google! Don’t let others’ failure to prepare become your disaster.)

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Kids might be the ones to ask, but we all want to know!

Read about the Twin Bucket Toilet system at PHLUSH. (Thank you to the Washington County Health and Human Services folks for their Buzz Newsletter PHLUSH story (on page 2).)

And if you want the lighter side of Disaster Preparedness, watch this 90 second very funny American Red Cross video: The Kit You Don’t Want To Have

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