Articles Posted in Legal Subject Area Guides

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You can find lots of free telephone and address information from:
1) “The Internet” (your search engine of choice, e.g. google, bing, yahoo, etc.).  If you want to find a telephone number and you have internet access, search the business or agency or person by name, for example: if you want the Washington County (Oregon) Watermaster, type this into your search engine: washingon county oregon watermaster.  You’ll get up to date contact info (especially if you make sure you click on your search engine’s link to get the most current info).
2) Your local public library information and quick reference lines during their open hours (e.g. Multnomah County public libraries and Washington County public libraries) and don’t forget L-net, the statewide online reference service).
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Excerpt: “”There is no comprehensive federal privacy statute that protects personal information. Instead, a patchwork of federal laws and regulations govern the collection and disclosure of personal information and has been addressed by Congress on a sector-by-sector basis….” (Link to full beSpacific blog post.)
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The short answer is, “it depends on the business.”  You can bet that Jeffrey Archer worked on his novels while in prison, but I’m pretty sure Bernie Madoff isn’t “investing” (or whatever he called it – what’s a verb for running a Ponzi Scheme?) anyone’s money, although one can never be too sure with some people.
It also depends on the crime for which you have been incarcerated, the prison, and the state’s laws, regulations and prison policies.  It’s not inconceivable that if you invent, say, a better mousetrap, while incarcerated, you might be granted more leeway than if you invent a designer high-tech shiv (just sayin’), but whatever you do, please read up on the law, ask the prison authorities, and ask a lawyer.
Here in Oregon that means starting with the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR), e.g. Chapter 291 Department of Corrections, perhaps including but not limited to 291-105-0015 Rules of Misconduct.
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“… Today, the Oregon Supreme Court held that sheriffs must issue concealed handgun licenses to applicants who meet the statutory requirements for such issuance, regardless of the applicants’ use of medical marijuana. In doing so, the Court rejected arguments raised by sheriffs from two different counties that, to the extent that Oregon’s concealed handgun licensing statute does not concern itself with an applicant’s use of marijuana, it is preempted by a federal statute that prohibits possession of a firearm by any unlawful user of a controlled substance….”  [Link to OJD Media Releases.]
Link to full (consolidated) case:  WILLIS v. WINTERS (CC 07-2755-Z7; CA A139875; SC S058645), SANSONE v. GORDON, STEVEN SCHWERDT v. GORDON, LEE WALLICK v. GORDON, (CC C073809CV, C0073810CV, C073811CV; CA A139802; SC S058642)  [Link to full Oregon Supreme Court case.]
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Do you want to do a “background check” on an employer (individual or corporation), a future or current partner, an employee, a “friend,” or a colleague?
FIRST and FOREMOST: Keep your expectations realistic.  If you expect to find all the data you are seeking in one place, one database, one website, or one-anything, you are gravely mistaken.
We just got a copy of “Wanted! U.S. Cirminal Records: Sources & Research Methodology,” by Ron Arons.  (There are other books on researching public records, too.  They will cure you of any illusion that searching public (and private) records is for the faint-hearted.)
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The Oregon State Legislature has added a new feature to its website, an enhanced measure search tool. The new measure search adds the following information to search results:

  • Relating to Clause
  • Current Location of Bill
  • Fiscal and Revenue Statements
  • Staff Measure Summaries
  • Measure History
  • All Versions of the Measure

The previous measure search tool (still available on the website) only provided information on a measure’s history. The enhanced search makes it easier to see pertinent information about a measure all on one page, instead of doing multiple searches on different parts of the website.  The search interface is also simplified, using drop down lists to select a session and measure type.  You can find the new measure search at the top of the right-hand navigation menu from any page on the legislature’s website (look for the yellow “New” icon).

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About those Reading Tree and Thrift Recycling ManagementBlue Bins” (not to be confused with the Blue Screen of Death):
Just as when something labeled “natural” isn’t always natural or naturally good for you, something labeled “local” or “charitable” isn’t always local or charitable. (E.g. “natural” melatonin brownies may not be all that natural – just sayin’ – and so is the NYT.)  Sometimes local and charitable really is local and charitable or a little bit of either or both.
Anyway! — For anyone reading about the Reading Tree “Blue Bins,” and wanting to take a position, keep in mind that there are many facts to consider, including the one that books need to be recycled (or otherwise disposed of). There are many other issues to consider, too, such as:  free speech, marketing, and competition law, interstate commerce, small business, nonprofit, and tax exempt organizations law, and the law of charities.
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Nolo has this really great checklist for anyone wanting to start a business – and wanting to do so methodically:
Oregon (and other states) has lots of great small business websites with links to a zillion other necessary and useful How to Start a Business information.
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Read and listen to a discussion about Oregon’s cell phone records and warrants law at:

OPB’s Think Out Loud May 3, 2011, program: Think Out Loud: Cell phone search warrant?

Program guests:
1) Bronson James: Defense attorney with JDL Attorneys, representing James Tyler Nix in State of Oregon v. James Tyler Nix
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