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Indian Arts and Crafts Act (IACA): The Perilous Business of Selling “Indian-styled” Arts & Crafts


I was looking at the Dykema law firm’s website and saw that they posted (with permission) this interesting article on the IACA:

Little Known Statute Can Create Staggering Liability.”

(You can also link to it from the Dykema Publications webpage, but however you read it (and other articles), please, please respect and observe copyright laws before copying, which you can do only with permission unless otherwise noted. In a nutshell, the more respect for copyright law, the more free content. The more abuse … say goodbye to free content.)

For more information on the IACA and the IACA Board, if you want to do your own research:

1) The Indian Arts and Craft Act (IACA), 25 U.S.C. § 305-305(e) (or search from the main 25 USC webpage if the direct link doesn’t work)

2) IACA Board

3) IACA Research Guide (from Northwest Justice Project)

4) Frequently Asked Questions (from the Indian Arts and Crafts Association)

5) IACA Facebook Page

For more about Indian Law: Have you ever wondered where to find the decisions of a given Indian tribe? A law librarian at the University of Washington has prepared this guide, Tribal Court Decisions: Sources

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