We have been informed that that the 1995 and 1997 ORS are appearing online at the Oregon Legislature’s website. Our partners in this have been Legislative Counsel, so please thank them for this effort.
In time, pre-1953 Oregon laws, codes, and statutes and 1953 to the present ORS will appear online. (Although not yet UELMA-compliant. Only a few states are managing that miracle.)
Previous blog posts on our superseded ORS digitization project can be found with these tags, among others:
Superseded ORS
Legislative History
Legislative Counsel (who also helped us out tremendously with our very successful OLI Oregon Legislative History CLE, presented in October 2015).
Note: If you’re wondering why it is taking so long for these Oregon laws to be posted online: Legislative Administration has not, elected legislators have not, and the Secretary of State’s office (where the State Archives reside) has not provided the project managers (the Washington County Law Library and Legislative Counsel) money or any other kind of support or encouragement (except from their attorneys and staff members who use these files) for scanning and posting these important statewide legal research resources. Consequently, it has taken us several years of careful budgeting and staff management to get these invaluable superseded ORS resources online in order to save you and your attorneys time and money.