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Sign up for Emergency Notification (Oregon, selected counties)

This emergency notification system will be able to send text, email, and telephone notifications, but you must register unless you want the notification to go to your landline:

Sign up and learn more about the community notification systems in the following areas:

City of Portland and Multnomah County
Clackamas County
Clark County
Columbia County
Washington County

“… This emergency notification system that will be able to send text and telephone notifications to residents and businesses within Multnomah County impacted by, or in danger of being impacted by, an emergency or significant event. This system will be used by emergency response personnel to notify those homes and businesses at risk with information on the event and/or actions (such as evacuation) we are asking them to take….

Subscribers to this system will receive emergency alerts via e-mail, phone call or text/SMS messages when the associated address will be impacted by an emergency….

The system is preprogrammed with published landline phone numbers from phone company records. However, unless you register additional or alternate contact information, it cannot contact your e-mail address, mobile phone, internet (VoIP) phone or landline phone provided by a cable TV carrier….”

Sign up for Emergency Notification

If you live outside these areas, please check with local law enforcement or other city and county officials.

Contact Information