Articles Tagged with Oregon legislature

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I have written often about the wonderful Oregon Legislative Liaisons, but sadly they are no more.

Instead, you need to visit the Legislature’s Support and Contact Information website, where you will find lots of contact information.

You can also email Legislative Help, or call 1-800-332-2313 and leave a message.

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Practice makes perfect?

Each legislative session we see new laws about towing. Add these to updated local towing ordinances and we could probably write book on Oregon towing laws!

We won’t though (aren’t you glad?), but can try to keep you updated, to a degree, if only to alert you to the fact that you should check both state and local laws on towing before deciding on your next course of action, that is, calling someone to complain, e.g. your newspaper, your legislators, city council members, the mayor, your lawyer, your favorite blogger, etc..

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The August/September 2009 issue of the Oregon State Bar Bulletin (OSB) had a useful list of recent legislative bills that passed this past Legislative Session. It’s a list that will come in handy until the full session summary reports roll in.

This OSB list includes bills on estate planning (e.g. small estate limits), debt collection, elder law, and many other topics.

To find the full text of all bills, visit the Oregon Legislature’s website.

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We love the Oregon Legislature’s Legislative Liaisons, at 503-986-1000!

They are helpful, friendly, and have senses of humor. Wowsers! (And this is not an easy job I am sure, especially during the Legislative Session.)

It’s tough for those of us who are (relative) newcomers to Oregon. Not only are we in the Willamette Valley supposed to know what the heck The Sunset Highway is (Route 26 !) and the Banfield (what the devil is The Banfield? it’s Route 84), but we’re supposed to know 100 years of Oregon Ballot Measures by number, even if they use the same numbers over and over again.

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The online legislative history “minutes” heretofore* on the Oregon State Archives web page, courtesy of the Oregon State Legislature and the Legislative Administrative Committee, will henceforth* not be available online; just the tape logs and audio files will be online.

Anyone who researches Oregon legislative history knows about the welcome transition several years ago to online records (from microfilm) at the Oregon State Archives, a division of the Secretary of State’s office. (Another statewide office up for election this year.) So, it’s full speed ahead to the past now, not back to the future.

This is likely a budgetary decision. But we haven’t yet found out why the “minutes” were chosen for cuts rather than something else. Law librarians weren’t asked is all I know so don’t blame me; you can try these instead if you want to know why.

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