Articles Tagged with Solo practitioners

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From the Law Office Manager website:

The County Law Library: Don’t overlook this free and valuable legal resource

“According to just about every legal management article, webinar, or podcast, the landscape of the legal market in the past few years has changed—dramatically. Clients, it seems, are firmly in the driver’s seat. And with an abundance of legal service providers, these clients are demanding efficient and cost-effective solutions, leading many firms to rethink their infrastructures and find innovative ways to do more with fewer resources.

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The OSB Sole and Small Firm Practitioners’ Section executive committee is starting a series of free or low-cost (for non-SSFP members) CLEs that may be of interest to solos or small firm practitioners. The series starts Wednesday, January 21, 2015, and are free to OSB SSFP Section members. Please visit the OSB SSFP website for more information or the SSFP Section website (under construction) for additional contact information.


The Sole and Small Firm Practitioners Section of the OSB is pleased to invite all members to attend a series of free seminars/CLEs, to be held from 12:00 p.m. -1:00 pm on the third Wednesday of each month. You can participate via webcast, but members in the Portland area are encouraged to bring your lunch and meet your colleagues at Kafoury and McDougal, who have graciously provided their conference room for our series:

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Tom Mighell tackles the question: Why are Passwords So Hard for Lawyers?”

Answer: ZZZZZzzzz. But doze off at your own risk:

Excerpt: “The subject of passwords is one that is both fascinating and frustrating to me. We know that it’s getting easier and easier for hackers to crack our passwords; just three years ago, a nine-digit password would take 44,530 years to crack, but today that same password can be cracked in less than a day, according to Passfault. And yet, when I mention this in speeches that I give, lawyers invariably give a heavy sigh, roll their eyes, and promptly tune out. I know what they’re thinking: “12 digit password? It’s hard enough for me to remember the name of my dog and the numbers 123!” [Link to blog post and blog homepage.]

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The Multnomah Law Librarian has graciously allowed me to post her Solo Lawyers bibliography here (and in PDF format, from my Law Library’s website):

HOW TO START AND BUILD A LAW PRACTICE. Platinum 5th ed. by Jay Foonberg. [KF 300 F65 2004]

FLYING SOLO: A survival guide for the solo and small firm lawyer 4th ed. by K. William Gibson. [KF 300 E59 2005]

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