Articles Posted in Other

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“New Reference Resource: NYU Launches History of Undercover Reporting Database,” filed by Gary Price, InfoDocket, on August 6, 2012:

New York University has launched a database chronicling undercover journalism dating back to the 1800s. The archive, “Undercover Reporting,” includes an array of stories, ranging from the slave trade in 1850s to efforts to boycott Jewish-owned businesses in the U.S. in the late 1930s to treatment of soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in the 21st century….” [Link to InfoDocket blog post.]

Link to Undercover reporting dot org.

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Golly Moses, What’s “The Numident?

I was looking at this report from beSpacific and the first reaction I had was, what in heaven’s name is “The Numident?”

We all have gaps in our knowledge and apparently The Numident was one of mine. (I bet for a lot of you “spoliation” is one of those gaps – and you’re not alone 🙂

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Excerpt from CMLP homepage announcement:We are pleased to announce the publication of our Guide to the Internal Revenue Service Decision-Making Process under Section 501(c)(3) for Journalism and Publishing Non-Profit Organizations.

With the journalism industry in a state of flux, there are a growing number of news ventures that have elected to operate as non-profit organizations. Many of these ventures depend upon receiving a federal tax exemption from the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. However, confusion about the IRS’s standards in applying Section 501(c)(3) has led to applications for tax-exempt status being delayed or denied. It has also led to criticism of the IRS as being arbitrary in its decision-making process and adverse to the journalism industry….” [Link to CMLP homepage announcement and linked page]

Citizen Media Law Project homepage and blog.

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Another blog-media lawsuit:

“Beaverton Grace Bible Church v. Smith,” from the Citizen Media Law Project, July 10, 2012, includes a copy of the complaint and other court documents.

See also:

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You can read Judge Luster’s opinion at the Kootenai County, Idaho, District Court Opinions website:

Tina Jacobson v. Doe, CV-12-3098 (7/10/12) (if direct link does not work, use the website link above)

Selected news stories:

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A 3 Geeks and a Blog July 13 (Turning Internet Nasty Into Money for a Cause) started me thinking, perhaps in the slipstream of others, about people who use websites and blogs intentionally or unintentionally to redress consumer (and other) injuries and grievances or to shame those “who done them wrong,” rather than hiring a lawyer – or to help build public support for their own pro se / self-represented / small claims lawsuit.

I’m not talking about The Complainers, those people who would rather have their grievances (and their whining) than a solution to a problem. I’m thinking instead about people who really do try to solve problems creatively with deliberation, conversation, research and hard work. (See the example in the 3 Geeks post, that of Anita Sarkeesian, and Heather Peters, the California Small Claims Court litigant)

Journalists, newspapers, and other days-of-yore print media have always use Publication to educate and persuade, but now, almost anyone can broadcast. Consider, for example, that 2009 U.S. Supreme Court case (Safford Unified School District v. Redding) about the strip search of a high school girl by school officials. After oral argument the print and the online chatter was brutal, shaming, criticizing, and outright laughing at the utter and apparent cluelessness of many of the Justice’s questions and assumptions about Real High School Life (specifically for young women). I wonder if that onslaught of “are you kidding me?!!” types of broadcast reaction forced the Justices to step back a little to rethink their previously fixed opinions, if only to retain a little professional and maybe even personal credibility, dignity, and respect. (Their own children and grandchildren are surely not banned from telling them A Thing or Two About Youf Today.)

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You might not be able to take the “Power Searching with Google” class (nor will SCOTUS Justices) but you can learn a few apparently “awesome” Google research tricks from investigative reporter John Tedesco (and the diagram search is especially awesome):

How to solve impossible problems: Daniel Russell’s awesome Google search techniques

Thanks to 3 Geeks and iLibrarian for the tips.

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If you’ve never read about erratic judges, the Australian’s “nuckin futs” problem, and the “Sofa King” in the same article, you just aren’t reading enough legal literature. (Judges and criminal law attorneys have the best stories, with consumer law attorneys not far behind.)

In the July 2012 issue of the OCBA Lawyer, Appellate Court Justice Bedsworth’s “A Criminal Waste of Space” column cheers us up immeasurably with:

“Hobgoblins of a Judicial Kind

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