Articles Tagged with Legal Assistance Resource Guide

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The Multnomah County Library has compiled this list:

COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) law help: Legal resources during the pandemic

Supplement that list with a visit to the Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT) website, which compiles legal news and legal help resources on Oregon landlord and tenant law.

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Oregon lawyers have a network of legal assistance nonprofits, legal aid, and other legal organizations where you can get legal advice from licensed Oregon lawyers in good standing with the Oregon State Bar.

Oregon county law librarians (OCCLL) and friends, with the help of our legal aid and non-profit law firm lawyer partners, have created a Legal Assistance Resource Guide, which you can find:

1) From the Washington County Law Library How to Find a Lawyer webpage (click on the Legal Assistance Resource Guide link). And see also this linked page, which has additional tips on how to find a lawyer: What To Do When You Think You Need A Lawyer.

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Oregon legal ASSISTANCE resource guides are different from legal RESEARCH resource guides.

Legal ASSISTANCE resource guides, are guides and directories to government and nonprofit organizations that connect you to lawyers who can provide legal advice from licensed Oregon attorneys.

Legal RESEARCH resource guides, are directions, instructions, and road maps on where and how to research a legal problem or question.

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The updated Washington County Law Library’s Oregon Legal Assistance Resource Guide is now available at the Law Library’s website. Feel free to download and share. Contact information is on the Guide for anyone who wants to send corrections or suggestions for resources to add to the list.

Contact Information