Visit the OJD website for information about the UTCR and proposed changes.
This is also the website you check for Interim Chief Justice Orders (CJO) and Rules Adopted Out-of-Cycle.
Visit the OJD website for information about the UTCR and proposed changes.
This is also the website you check for Interim Chief Justice Orders (CJO) and Rules Adopted Out-of-Cycle.
Many, many years ago (2006!) I challenged readers of this OLR blog with a question AND promised to post an answer: “Do any and all of these rules allow for “out of cycle” amendments: UTCR, SLR, ORCP, and ORAP?” I can’t find a 2006 blog post that would have answered the question so here is my “I’m still learning” answer and corrections are welcome:
UTCR (August 1st) — Qualified. See UTCR 1.050(1)(c).
SLR (February 1st) — Qualified. See ORS 3.220(2)(b).
Read comments on proposed new Uniform Trial Court Rules (UTCR) and rule changes at the Oregon Judicial Branch UTCR website. Rules go into effect August 1st.