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A few civic and religious leaders joined their people protesting abuse, discrimination, police violence: Camden and Newark (NJ), Flint (MI), Fargo (ND), Coral Gables (FL), Kansas City (MO), Santa Cruz (CA), and others.

Tweeters reported on their own civic leaders joining protesters. I saw this Forbes article the Sunday morning:

“In Some Cities, Police Officers Joined Protesters Marching Against Brutality,” Lisette Voytko, Forbes, May 31, 2020

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WebJunction has been teaching online for more than a decade – and they do a darn good job of it, too.

This class: “Libraries Prepare to Answer Civil Legal Questions in Times of Crisis” will be taught by 2 law librarian stars: Jenny Silbiger, State Law Librarian, Access to Justice Coordinator, Hawaii Supreme Court Law Library, and Joseph Lawson, Deputy Director, Harris County Law Library, Texas.

The live webinar is scheduled for: Thursday, June 11, 2020 / 12:00 pm Pacific, 60 minutes. (Webinar recording and course materials will be available offline to registrants shortly thereafter.)

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Hope you enjoyed another year of voting at your kitchen table or in the wild, aka Vote by Mail in Oregon.

If you want to make sure your election ballot was received and counted or if you want to update your registration, the Oregon Secretary of State’s office makes that easy:

Link to the My Vote page

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Comedian Hasan Minhaj put up the website [link removed, website is no longer functional] to help renters / tenants struggling during the pandemic. This site has links to sites that help renters see if their building qualifies for the federal eviction moratorium, review state eviction protections during COVID-19, and locate legal aid services in their state. This comes from the May 18 episode of Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj, which explores the looming rent crises from COVID-19 and the challenges tenants face in the legal system.

[Update: see I’m Having Issues with my Landlord, What can I do? for Oregon resources]

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PUGS, the Portland Underground Graduate School, is offering a course on contracts, taught by Michael Jonas, Attorney and Owner of Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC (Portland, Oregon):

Introduction to Contracts: Learn what contracts are, their importance, and their application to business and life:

Contracts are more important than ever. They are there to protect us (and yes sometimes annoy us), but do we really understand what they are? This class will teach you what you need to know about contracts and contract formation. We will discuss their importance and why they matter. And how having and understanding contractual processes and practices can help your business and every day life. Come learn about contracts in a fun environment. Yes we promise, contract law can be fun….” [Link to PUGS course information.]

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Interesting decision by Multnomah County Circuit Court Administrators and judges given even the little we know now about how Covid-19 spreads, not to mention the condition of the old Courthouse:

“Oregon Law Forces Jury Trials To Continue, Increasing Virus Risk,” by Conrad Wilson, OPB, May 12, 2020

If you are called for jury duty, grand or petit, in Oregon, please check your Circuit Court’s website for instructions and contact information. Or, call the phone number on your juror summons.

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Yes, even New Zealand has its contrarians. The “good guys” don’t always get everything right either and besides, we barely know who Covid-19 is, let alone if we want to be left alone in a room with it:

From New Zealand, “A modest defence of the coronavirus contrarians,” by Danyl Mclauchlan, May 12th 2020, The Spinoff.

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If you need legal research assistance, check your county’s law library website for hours and contact information. If your county law library doesn’t have the professional legal research librarians you need, visit one of the Oregon law libraries listed below.

And don’t forget that your own public library reference librarians and library assistants can reach out to Oregon county law librarians for legal research assistance as well.

OCCLL* (Oregon Council of County Law Libraries) will link you to these and other county law libraries:

Contact Information