Articles Posted in General Legal Research Resources

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Researchers, scholars, and librarians have always had to evaluate the quality of information sources, including books, journals, speeches, and all other “information.”

We have to apply the same evaluations skills to online information sources – and so do you.

Here is a listing of evaluation tools and articles that may be useful if not interesting: “Information Quality Resources on the Internet,” by Marcus P. Zillman, Published on December 2, 2011:

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The Oregon Criminal Justice Commission’s Commission on Public Safety issued its December 30, 2011 “Final Report to Governor Kitzhaber” (also known as the De Muniz Commission Report).

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It’s that time of year when high school and college students start asking questions about “careers in the law.”

There is a lot of “recommended reading” at law school admissions websites and there are also a lot of “pre-law” and law student “Must Read” lists you can find using “the Google.”  There is also this gem from the Volokh Conspiracy, but I’m not inclined to disillusion high school students with it, even though it is terribly funny.

[If you’re thinking about law school In the U.K., they have the wonderful Granville Williams “Learning the Law.”]

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Did you every wonder where the phrase, “make a federal case out of it” came from?  How about “hue and cry?” Or, “piercing the corporate veil?”

You can find these phrases and many more in the new book “Lawtalk: the unknown stories behind familiar legal expressions,” by James E. Clapp, Elizabeth G. Thornburg, Marc Galanter, and Fred R. Shapiro.

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Oregon legal researchers and attorneys rejoice! The Washington County Law Library staff are scanning the 1953-1993 ORS from statute books donated by the Oregon Supreme Court, Oregon Legislative Counsel will host the data on their website, and we just heard the excellent news that they will also make available on their website all the other superseded ORSs, 1995-2007 (and soon to be superseded 2009).
Link to our “gutbuster” project blog posts for information about our county law library digital scanning project.
Link to our Not Online list of Oregon legal research resources (look under “N” for Not), from which I’ll soon have to remove the superseded ORSs – yay!
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“Law School Theory vs. Practical Skills, One More Time,” at the Law Librarian Blog (December 15, 2011), links to Yale Professor Stanley Fish’s response to David Segal’s article in the New York Times on the Theory vs Practical Legal Skills debate.
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This isn’t a complete list but these are good places to start your search for full-text digital books – but don’t forget your local libraries and librarians.

First, sometimes you need good bibliographic info (e.g. correct spelling of author name, exact title, etc.) before you begin your search for the full-text.  Worldcat dot org is a good catalog to find that info.  Your own Oregon public library may have a full-service subscription version you can use.

Second: General web search engines will index the contents of many of these repositories, but not all content.

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A federal jury has ruled an “investigative blogger” defamed a central Oregon attorney in a case that raises questions about press protections and the nature of the press itself in the Internet age.
The jury found that Crystal Cox, a real estate agent and blogger from Eureka, Mont., defamed Kevin Padrick when she accused him of tax fraud, bribery and other crimes….” [Link to full Oregonian article.]
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